Issa Lynn Scherra

We are the ones we have been waiting for!

As much as I love painting houses my true work is a mystical mission. My creative awareness is expressed on canvas and paper. When I am painting/creating I am in a state of “flow” and as I am creating I enter a state of unconsciousness. I suddenly forget that I am holding a brush or pencil and allow the natural rhythms of divine creativity to channel through my heart-brain connection. My art along with many tree spirit helpers and angels have led me to my souls deep connection with Source. We are powerful co-creators with source. I have also awakened to my galactic brothers and sisters, higher multidimensional selves and many other fantastical beings I have met along the way!  My work is the visual documentation of my spiritual awakening here on Mother Earth. I have a strong love for trees and understand the healing powers from them. I have found my Art to be a Spiritual Practice and an activator to bring in new vibrations to this planet. I’m fascinated in Esoteric knowledge, Sacred Geometry, the Alchemical Process, Merkaba activation, the rise of the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine, Stargates, Portals, Multi-dimensional realities, Gnosticism, Ancient civiliations, Extraterrestrial presence on earth, and the hidden history of  everything!  I am in the beginning stages of inner-standing  my activated Starseed Mission here with the help of many friends, ascended masters and Galactic shamans that have shown up in my life. I’m a seeker of higher knowledge and I am constantly looking to ancient times and the cosmos to learn from the cycles of time with a deep gnosis that knowledge is power and key to fundamental ascension.  I hope for my work to deepen your energy awareness and assist you in raising your vibrational frequency within this time of Cosmic Evolution. We are divine creator beings returning home to our sacred selves and it is time to self-actualize our inner tree and true superpowers which will bring you back to the Source of infinite Love and Liberation. It is time to step back into our Divine Sovereign selves and heal the earth and ourselves! We are the ones we have been waiting for !

The Christ Consciousness is now flouring in the hearts of those who believe in the inner Light!

Your Light is endless & your beauty is timeless