Divine Trine Cosmic Alchemy Of The Heart
This piece is a visual transmutational healing tool that cleanses the viewers Heart Chakra by transforming and processing any heavy energy stored there.
May this Divine Trine now activate the LightCodes of Ascension and Evolution with every cell of your body. May this activation bring accelerated transformation of higher consciousness and deep healing to your mind, body, and soul through the higher vibrations of LOVE!
I started this piece durning the Pleiadian line up of November 2019. I love to intuitivley work and let channeled messages slowly develop over the process of creating paintings. Knowledge is power and it is time to expand your consciousness and activate our electomagnetic fields. Awaken your Aura &Rise your vibration durning this powerful time of the Great Awakening.
Here is a list of some of the inspirations or things I was researching while creating this painting.
The Vitruvian man or Proportions of man . Phi Ratio’s in the human body is the measuring stick of the universe. Everything can be measured and determined from our bodies and from the energy fields around them.
The Merkaba is composed of three separate words: Mer, which means light, Ka, which means spirit and Ba, which means Body. Put together, these three words connote the union of spirit with the body, surrounded by light. The symbol, which takes the shape of a star, is believed to be a divine vehicle made entirely of light and designed to transport or connect the spirit and body to higher realms.
Sacred geometry and the five Platonic Solids are found within the symbol of Metatron's Cube, which may be derived from the Flower of Life pattern. These platonic solids are geometrical forms which are said to act as a template from which all life springs. Tetrahedron/Fire, Hexahedron/Earth, Octahedron/Air, Icosahedron/water and Dodecahedron/Spirit AKA Aether is the fifth element.
Metatron Cube is a symbol that’s meant to represent the journey of energy throughout the universe, and of balance within the universe. It is made up of the platonic solids, but it also has thirteen circles in it to represent the thirteen Archangels.
Ophiucus Starseed is the 13th major constellation in our sky. Ophiuchus means “The Serpent Bearer”. These Starseeds seek higher knowledge and constantly look to ancient times to learn of the cycles of time.
Venus transit and the upright pentagram. Correcting the reversals …
Alpha and the Omega the first and the last, the beginning and the end (Revelation 22:13)
Alchemical marriage
Hieros Gamos mystical/sacred marriage or sacred ceremony between a god & goddess
best know sacred marriages
King Soloman & Queen Sheba
Isis & Osiris
Jesus & Magdalene
Earth Star to Soul Star
Activate your own inner Crystalline Essence. New Diptych painting and more new work flowing like never before!
Earth Star to Soul Star
New diptych painting